Friday, June 5, 2009


I have decided to enjoy, appreciate, and cultivate solitude in order to maintain my sanity and peace of mind. I hope it will also help me think more clearly about the nature of reality. People and their cultures can distort one's perception of truth, and I no longer wish to be guided by other people's delusions, illusions, and unexamined assumptions.


Steve said...

Blueish, if your sanity and peace of mind is what you're ultimately looking for, then you should have, to use a matrix analogy, taken the blue pill instead.

It would be far easier for you to believe a personal God exists, a God that values humans and will take care of each and everyone of us.
If anyone can prove this with not only pure reason but also empirical evidence. I'm all ears because I WANT to believe.

In the meantime, I would rather value nothing than to value something that is false.

Blog back soon and let everyone know if your solitude has brought you any grand insights or if it only served to drag you deeper down the rabbit hole.

blueish said...

Steve, I believe the blue pill is fraught with worse complications and stressors compared to the red pill. When you take the red pill, you don't have to buy into any of the fear mongering and artificial pressures thrust upon by social conventions, so you can really begin to be psychologically free. The monotheistic god is not only a protective god, but an oppressive god who wants a lot in return for care-taking. I derive no comfort from Him and so the blue pill remains a plunge back into insanity.