Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A debate

The other day, I watched a debate between William Lane Craig and Shelly Kagan about whether God is necessary for morality. I thought Kagan won the debate. His argument was simple: just because I have no cosmic significance does not mean I have no significance at all. He also struck down Craig's moral relativism attack by arguing about the “veil of ignorance” approach to creating a social contract.

1 comment:

Steve said...

I just saw the debate on youtube. No one won anything. While I would never agree with Craig's stance on theism, I also find Kagan's argument that human life has some sort of intrinsic value just as flimsy.

As an atheist, I struggle to fight the notion that nothing has any value, not even human life. Even secular humanism is based in the unjustified belief that human life is valuable.

It's unjustified in that it's based not on empirical evidence but rather in wishful thinking.